Xplosion will NOT hold an informational meeting prior to the try outs. We believe we can communicate the necessary information through our website, and we don’t want to take any more time out of your often busy schedules. As always, if you need other answers, please contact us at xplosionvbc2015@gmail.com
Fees for the 2022/2023 season will be $875 for all age groups. In an effort to make payment more manageable, we will offer multiple payment options. All checks should be made to Xplosion Volleyball Club, LLC ($25 fee for checks that do not clear) For more information, please see the Club Fee page on the Xplosion website.
All practice times and facility rental, coach’s salaries, tournament entry fees, team attire (jersey and warm up). Since we have formed a partnership with the Dayton Area YMCA, each team member will receive a YMCA membership for the duration of the season which will last approximately from December thru May. Another added benefit of our partnership is that fact that each Xplosion team will be offered a 1 hour training session with a YMCA trainer in addition to their practice times. No additional money will be required unless individual teams decide to do something extra like order team socks, shirts, or headbands.
Our fees do include all travel expenses for our coaches – you WILL NOT be asked for additional money to cover any additional coaching expenses.
Each team will practice 2 times per week. Our practice nights will be Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. Weekend practices will not occur for an individual team when they have a tournament scheduled. All practices are scheduled to be held at the Coffman YMCA in Springboro on Friday and Sunday or the Downtown Dayton YMCA on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. Specific days and times will be determined after try outs for each team but we hope to have that information at the time an offer is extended to you. We do not pre-determine days and times, because we look at the make-up of each team and try to minimize any conflicts on a team-by-team basis.
Tournament dates are unknown until teams are formed. If the options are available, our teams will be entering 1-day tournaments. We will try to schedule tournaments that do not require more than 2.5-3 hours for travel (most will be much closer) so that players and parents do not have to incur overnight hotel expenses. Each team will be scheduled for 6 regular season tournaments (or 6 tournament playing days if entered into a 2 day event) and the OVR Regional Championships in Columbus for a total of 7 tournaments. Most tournaments will be scheduled on Sundays to avoid conflicts with school athletics, but some teams may play on Saturday.
Training sessions will begin in December and run thru January. Practice will start for all teams early January of 2023. The exact times will be posted as the season gets closer. The date for the end of your season will depend on the date the OVR Regional tournaments are scheduled for your age group. All teams will be done before Memorial Day weekend (see the OVR website (www.ovr.org) for championship dates)
Xplosion anticipates fielding 8-10 teams this season. We are prepared to have single teams at all age groups from 13 – 18 years of age. If we do not have enough skilled athletes at a particular age group, we reserve the right to not field a team at that age group. If this occurs, we will consider having a second team at another age group as we have done in the past. Also, if we are overwhelmed with talented athletes at a particular age group, we do have the ability to have additional teams at any age group. Our goal is to field COMPETITIVE Regional and/or American level teams and to develop individual players. If the talent level at a particular age group warrants it, we will choose to designate that team as an American level team. We will not form teams at any age group just to form a team.
Tryout dates are currently posted on our website, www.Xplosionvbc.com. We will have a separate try out for each age group (only 17’s & 18’s are together). We have made this change so that we give each player a better opportunity to be evaluated by all coaches and evaluators on the Xplosion staff. Please ensure each girl is a registered member with OVR prior to tryouts. For the try out session please try and wear a shirt with a name or number on it if at all possible. To give you the best chance to receive an offer, please try out with the youngest age group or grade level most appropriate for you. We may still make offers to have players play up in age.
Tryouts will be $20 per player, which primarily goes to administrative costs of tryouts (facility, staff, materials, etc.). This is a non-refundable cost whether
the athlete receives an offer or not.
We encourage athletes to attend tryouts during their regularly scheduled tryouts. We understand however that schedules are busy and are willing to work with athletes and their families. If you find you cannot attend, please contact the Xplosion staff to work out other arrangements regarding tryouts. Email us at xplosionvbc2015@gmail.com or feel free to contact any of our staff via email on the Coaching Staff page.
All Xplosion VBC coaches, thus far, have experience coaching in either the Ohio Valley Region, local High Schools/Junior Highs and/or volleyball youth programs for 6th grade and under. We are proud of this fact and have coaching bios on our website!